
Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) with Daria Bagina

Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) with Daria Bagina

Regular price $1,577.00 CAD
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Professional Scrum Master™ (PSM) is an interactive, activity-based course where you will gain a strong understanding of Professional Scrum and the role of the Scrum Master. This is the official class curated by

Through a combination of discussion and exercises, you will develop a deep understanding of the underlying principles of Scrum and the Agile mindset while learning the practices applied by successful Scrum Teams.

The class has lots of opportunities to ask questions and discuss real-life scenarios.



See upcoming classes and register 👉 here


This class will be conducted online using Zoom and Miro. Attendees will receive details to connect to the class 24-48 hours before the class start to the email used during purchase.


Daria Bagina, Professional Scrum Trainer with


Learning Objectives

  • Help Scrum Teams deliver value to their organization
  • Understand the theory and principles behind Scrum and empiricism
  • Understand how each part of the Scrum framework ties back to the principles and theory
  • Understand uncertainty and complexity in product delivery
  • Understand the meaning and importance of the Scrum values
  • Learn what Done means and why it is crucial to transparency
  • Know how to use the Product Backlog to plan with agility
  • Understand the importance of self-managing teams, interpersonal skills needed, and the Scrum Master role
  • Clarify the leadership role a Scrum Master plays on the team
  • Learn the skills and traits and behavior shifts required to be a Scrum Master


Intended Audience

Professionals new to Scrum who want to learn more about the role of a Scrum Master


Topics Covered

The class goes over the fundamental topics surrounding Scrum and Agile in general and includes:

  • The theory behind Scrum, its values and principles
  • The Scrum Framework explained
  • Definition of Done and why it’s essential to deliver a Done product every Sprint
  • Forecasting product delivery with Scrum
  • Practices and concepts to help you build high-performing teams
  • The role of a Scrum Master in various scenarios



All attendees will receive one free attempt at the PSM I assessment (up-to two attempts with conditions).



This is a 15-hour class usually done in two days in MST timezone.

  • Start on both days: 8 AM or 9 AM
  • Lunch break: 12 PM – 1 PM
  • End: around 3:30 PM or 4:30 PM depending on when we started
  • Breaks: ~10 min every hour or so

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